
YamAirturnsyouriPadoriPhoneintoawirelessexternalmonitorforyourMac....InstallYamDisplayforMacandenableairmodebypreferencesmenu.Nearby ...,YamDisplayturnsyouriPadoriPhoneintoanexternaldisplayforyourMacviaUSB....OnyourMac,installYamDisplayforMacandconnectwithaUSBcable.,YamDisplaysupportsOSX10.9(Mavericks)orlater.YamAirsupportsOSX10.10(Yosemite)orlater.FormacOSHighSierra,pleasecheckout:YamDisplayf...

About Yam Air

Yam Air turns your iPad or iPhone into a wireless external monitor for your Mac. ... Install Yam Display for Mac and enable air mode by preferences menu. Nearby ...

About Yam Display

Yam Display turns your iPad or iPhone into an external display for your Mac via USB. ... On your Mac, install Yam Display for Mac and connect with a USB cable.


Yam Display supports OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or later. Yam Air supports OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later. For macOS High Sierra, please check out: Yam Display for ...

Install Yam Pad

Download Yam Pad for Mac. Yam Pad icon will appear in the menu bar: On iOS devices, install Yam Pad for iPads, Yam Pad Mini for iPhones from the App Store.

Yam Display for macOS Catalina.

2019年10月12日 — Yam Display records the screen of a Mac and displays it on your iPad/iPhone. macOS Catalina or later requires permission from user for screen ...

Yam display is pretty cool (that's 3 displays on an Apple ...

2023年1月19日 — I use it to keep all my widgets on it to easily check reminders, weather, clock, battery of accesories, calendar, stocks/crypto, resources usage ...

Yam Display on the App Store

iPad/iPhone as a second display for Mac via USB # Yam Display turns your iPad/iPhone into a second display for your Mac. Wired by USB, browse documents or ...

Yam Display

On iOS devices, install Yam Display (USB) or Yam Air (wireless) from the App Store. To use another Mac as a second display, install Yam Air Desk on the ...

在App Store 上的「Yam Display Free」

Yam Display turns your iPad/iPhone into a second display for your Mac. Wired by USB, browse documents or watch videos without delay.